Monday 4 March 2013

4 toy free games for kids to play

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toy free games for kids to play

We have way too many toys, so sometimes it's good to get back to basics for some good old fashioned games for kids.  You may know these games already, but sometimes it's good to write them all down together so next time you're in a restaurant (like we were) and desperately trying to distract the kids, these kids games will spring to mind.  Bring on the classics.....

Kid's Games: Paper, scissors, stone
A golden oldie!  This is a great kids game, you probably know it, but in case you're not familiar on the count of three you make your hand into the shape of paper (flat hand), scissors (open fingers) or stone (fist).

You play in pairs.  Scissors beats paper (as they can cut it up), paper beats stone (as it can wrap it up) and stone beats scissors (as they blunt them).

games for kids to play

Kids Games: Thumb War
For this game you interlock your hand with your opponents leaving your thumbs free.  Then you declare thumb war and have to try and hold your oppositions thumb down for 10 seconds.  As you can see the boys really enjoyed this one.

kids games

Kids Games: Body Challenge
This one is my husbands invention, basically you say to the kids 'can you' and then add a challenge, for example in the photo the boys are trying to get their tongues on their elbows.  Other ideas are:
  1. Curl their tongue
  2. Wiggle their ears
  3. Flair their nostrils
  4. Rub their tummy and pat their head at the same time
  5. Head on knees
  6. Elbow on ears

games to keep kids busy

Kids Games: Arm Wrestling
Another classic!  Again two opponents join arms and wrestle till one of the arms is pushed to the table.

kids games to play

The boys found it a bit tricky to keep their arms on the table, but that definitely didn't stop the enjoyment!

classic kids games

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  1. This is great. Found your site via the kids activities blog link up.
    I used to love thumb wrestling when I was kid. Nice!

  2. I love the body challenge. I just tried to get my tongue on my elbow and can't do it. Tomorrow I will challenge the kids.

    1. Yeah, I've tried too and I'm not sure it's possible, but watching the kids try is fun, plus I'm always surprised at what they can do, crazy flexibility when you're three!

  3. Yes! I did all of these !! Thanks for the reminder!

    Thanks for sharing and please join us again this week at Eco-Kids Tuesday!

  4. So funny! We call in Rock, paper, scissors :) My Favorite game here is the thumb wars! I used to play that all the time. I agree, we have way too many toys too. I wonder if it effects my children's creative abilities? I'll show my kids these toy-free games this week to see if they like them as much as I did. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library! I'm featuring you tonight.

  5. Those boys are handsome lil' guys! Looks like they're having fun!

    Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!


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