Wednesday 27 February 2013

Create a Kids Play World with Cotton Balls

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Create a kids play world with cotton balls

We're a bit crazy for cotton ball craft and activities at the moment having done our cotton ball throw painting and our spiders web game, this time we created our own play land using cottons balls.

Kids play world

The small lay world that we created is hard and can be lifted in one piece.  We made it by covering each cotton ball with a paste made of flour, water and food colouring.  The paste then hardens and binds the cotton balls together.

Kids cotton ball craft

The boys and I discussed what we wanted the world to look like.  I placed a sheet of baking paper in a large roasting tin and we drew out a mountain, river and beach.  The boys wanted the mountain to be lava covered.

Kids cotton ball activity

Then it got a bit messy!  Each cotton ball needs covering in the paste and this is easiest done by hand - not many photos as I was busy controlling the mess!

Cotton ball kids craft

Here's our work in progress.  The beach in yellow, river in blue and the beginnings of our mountain.

Cotton ball kids activity

This is the finished product, I had to help a bit to get it all finished, but the boys especially enjoyed creating the lava flow.  I then left our cotton ball world to dry for a couple of days.

kids play world

 The boys decided that this play world was just perfect for their dinosaurs.

small world play

Here it is in action.

I hope you've enjoyed today's post - make sure you don't miss another thing from Making Boys Men by subscribing or checking us out on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and of course Pinterest.


  1. Great idea! I have several boys.We did cotton balls and hellicopter. They picked stuff up with helicopter the cotton balls were the

  2. That looks like heaps of fun!!! ;D
    I'm going to have to give that a try! It might make an awesome landscape for a train track too.... hmmmm!!


  3. love this, Goblin has just discovered volcanos and would have a lot of fun with this one

  4. Great!! Messy is the most fun!

    Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  5. That's a really fun idea that I know my daughter would love! Thanks for sharing it. I'll be featuring this idea on Tuesday Tots this week :)


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