Friday 10 May 2013

10 Super Simple Ways to Play Outdoors (& Outdoor Play Party)

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10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

Another great Outdoor Play Party today, if you've been outdoors with kids then please link up below or read on to find out my 10 ten simple things to do with kids outside.

We try to get outside everyday, but sometimes I get stuck for things to do.  On those days its always worth remembering that kids love the simple stuff so here's my top ten super, unbelievably, incredibly simple things to do with kids outside!
1 - Run!
Running races, timed laps, chase, tag.  Whatever your kids like best, but get them running.  Pretend to be a tickle monster then chase away.

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

2 - Jump
Have a jumping race, challenge the kids to do star jumps, hop on one leg, jump off something, jump over something, or the all time classic jumping in puddles!

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

3 - Climb
Climb a tree, climb over garden table and chairs, or scrabble over an obstacle course

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

4 - Hide
Play hide and seek, great for all ages and especially cute when the littlest ones are convinced you can't see them despite the fact they're hidden in the same (very obvious) place ten times in a row!

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

5 - Throw
This is a picture of my eldest about to hurl a pine cone at me and look at the joy on his face as he does it!  If that's a bit too boisterous for you then pick up a ball and play catch, too young for catch then roll then ball, too old then get a bat and turn it into tennis or baseball

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

6 - Hunt
It takes two minutes to go and hide something in the garden for the kids to find, like we did with some acorns we'd painted.  They find them and always want to play again or they make me find them.  Not sure what to hide?  Try plastic toys like dinosaurs, coins, spoons anything small enough to hide, but big enough to be found!

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

7 - Explore Nature
This is the boys and Hubby examining some pine cones that looked like they'd been eaten, this turned into bug hunting, which turned into looking for animal footprints.  You'd be surprised, and in my case slightly grossed out, by how many mini beasts are in a garden I regularly have to show 'delight' at all the worms and snails I'm presented with!

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

8 - Build
Den building is a particular favourite with the boys and you only need a few sticks to build a den for a few toys.  Not into dens, try building an obstacle course or go for the classic blanket fort.

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

9 - Water
The demands for water drive me slightly crazy as the boys can't turn the tap on the water butt so I end up filling bowl after bowl up with water!  But, they love it.  They wash things with it, like these tyres, they 'paint' with it, they make their toys swim in it, they make mud pies, endless fun!

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

10 - Chalk
Super simple and a bit of a classic.  They can draw pictures with it like our chalk monsters, mark out games like hopscotch, use it in imaginary play and it washes away with the next rain, perfect!

10 super simple ways to play outdoors from Making Boys Men

I hope you've enjoyed my list of super simple outdoor play ideas, for more ideas you could check out my Outdoor Play Ideas Pinterest Board or the Outdoor Play Party Board where we add all the posts linked up each week.

There were LOADS of posts linked up last Outdoor Play Party and I thought this one from My Nearest and Dearest about Sensory Play in Nature was brilliant - check it out as its also a great idea for simple outdoor play.

If you've played outside with kids this week then why not join the Outdoor Play Party?  Doing so gives us to share your post and one photo on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and Google+  I look forward to seeing all your great play ideas!


  1. I love your little man in the flat cap! great ideas & ones that don't cost much too - my fav type. Amazingly even with all our rain in the past few days we managed to empty the water butt today!!

  2. Now that I've a Blogger account, I can finally say: great blog! So full and varied and often so simple! Well done, Hannah! And congrats on your success.

  3. Some brilliant suggestions here. Your puddle jumping capture is great ! I keep meaning to buy chalk so much fun x

  4. What lovely ideas - and as you say such simple ones, they obviously had a great day! A great post to for Country Kids.

  5. I am pleased to say we have tried and tested all 10 and love them all!

  6. Oh, what a wonderful list!! We love to play outdoors. It usually involves digging (as well as running, jumping, skipping, dancing, etc.). Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  7. 10 amazing ways. Exploring is my favourite, running would be my son's favourite :0)


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