Friday 26 April 2013

5 ways to play with tires (& Outdoor Play Party)

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5 ways to play with tires

Welcome to another Outdoor Play Party, if you've played outside this week then please do link up below.   

Recently we had to replace several tyres (tires) on our car, Hubby was not impressed, but having seen lots of exciting play ideas from Learning for Life and Let the Children Play and knew the boys would have great fun playing with the tyres.  This is what they came up with...

1 - Washing Tyres
First up as the tyres had just come off the car we gave them a good clean with soapy water.  Put this provided lots of play in itself, all three boys were able to get stuck in.  A little on the mucky side, but mostly they just got a little damp.

how can kids play with tires

2 - Climbing on Tyres
The boys love to climb, so one of the first things they did was climb on the tyres.  On them, in them, out again - lots of climbing!

kids playing with tires

3 - Hiding in Tyres
They also discovered that when you climb inside they create a pretty good hiding place.

5 ways to play with tyres

They started by hiding in two tyres and sitting down inside, but soon they built a tower of tyres and with a bit of help managed to hide inside.  I supervised this play as I think toppling over in full height tyres would be pretty painful, but as always only do with your own kids what you're comfortable with.

having fun with tires and kids

4 - Tyre Obstacle Course
The tyres were perfect for an obstacle course, we spread them out and the boys had to balance on them and leap from one to another.  I think if we do this again we should time it and get them doing laps - helps them sleep better!!

5 ways to play with tires

5 - Tyre Construction
The tyres are a brilliant addition to the loose parts collection we are slowly building up.  This is how they are most often played with as part of some imaginary play construction.  They are big enough that they can make something sizable to sit in, stand on etc, but small enough that with a bit of effort the boys can move them around.

5 ways to play with tires

Then when all that was done, they went back to the water play with them again.  This time they 'painted' them.

5 ways to play with tires

We are continuing to enjoy our tyres, other things we could do would be to roll them around (the boys aren't quite strong enough for this yet), make a tyre swing, plant something in them or fill them with something like gravel and use them for small world play.  The possibilities are a little endless and I'm very pleased with this addition to our garden.

And so to the Outdoor Play Party.  We had loads of posts linked up last time and my favourite was this great collection of outdoor gross motor games from Train Up a Child a fellow boy mum.  Heaps of simple ideas for getting kids active outdoors.

If you've played outside with kids this week then we'd love for you to link up your posts.  Doing so gives us permission to share one photo with link on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope I didn't overwhelm you with my two weeks worth of outside posts!

  2. I think you've shown how creative and fun playing with tyres can be! Some lovely pictures of the boys enjoying themselves, thanks for linking up your outdoor fun.

  3. what a lot of fun your boys had with those tyres! i think my two would enjoy playing with them too. x

    1. They did have fun and they're still using them heaps, so a great addition to the garden

  4. I must admit I love Tyres! they are so great for so much lots of play ideas and like you say they make good planters too!

  5. Love this post Hannah & thanks for the mention. I think me will need to wash ours soon too, it looks like so much fun :)

  6. Oh what great ideas! I love how you can make a game out of almost anything! I have a tire ready to use in the garden too so thanks for sharing!

  7. What a great post, brilliant ideas. I didn't know about your linky either! Heading over from #CountryKids

  8. What fun! Love the picture where you can barely see you little guy in the tires =) We use to have giant tractor tires at my school growing up & we LOVED to jump on them -better than a trampoline!

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I always look forward to seeing what you've been doing! Hope to see you again tomorrow,
    Beth =)

  9. This brings back memories of my childhood :) Simple, basic, and fun! We are featuring your post on Sugar Aunts tomorrow on Share It Saturday. We have a collection from the linky called Back To the Basics: simple and fun play for kids. We think this post is perfect for the collection. Stop by and visit our FB and Twitter pages, we'll be sharing with our followers there too :)

    See you again on Share It Saturday!
    Colleen at

    p.s. I couldn't get your first picture to save into Picassa to make my collage for the feature, so I used one of the other tire pics. Sometimes Picassa does that to me...not sure why? So, I just wanted to mention that to you (I'm sorry your name isn't on the picture that is in our collage!!)

  10. Visiting from Let's Hear it For the Boys. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend. And who knows, you may just get featured next week.


  11. Some great ideas!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!


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