
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Super Easy Pre-School Christmas Tree Decorations

It's Counting Down to Christmas time again!  Week one was advent, week two was Christmas cards this week it's Christmas tree decorations!  Plus as this is a blog hop you'll be able to check out not just my decorations, but my co-hosts too and link up any of your own ideas too.  Now to my craft....
Sometimes the blogging world is a little too perfect and the projects on Pinterest a little too amazing!  So much so that I almost didn't share these Christmas Tree decorations as I thought they weren't good enough, but my kids genuinely made these, thoroughly enjoyed themselves and they will be going on our tree, so what the heck, here are our (very, very) super easy decorations!
Glue gun and foil baubles:
We've been on a bit of a foil kick recently and these baubles were inspired by our glue gun and foil art.
1 - I did draw stars on cardboard for the boys to glue gun, but this was a bit too tricky for them, so they went freestyle instead!
2 - Glue the foil and once dried stick the bauble down so the hot glue side is covered in foil
3 - Fold the edges of the foil around the bauble
4 - Then get out a shoe brush and brush the foil down around the glue to create a relief effect
I then sewed some thread onto them.  Here's the results:

Sparkly pine cones
I first wrote about these in my Things to do with pine cones post.  I mixed glue and glitter together and handed Champ a paintbrush he then covered them with the sparkly mixture.

They are super sparkly, but also its always nice to bring a bit of nature into our decorations.  To hang them I tied thread to the top of the pine cone.

Foil baubles
The boys are a bit crazy for scissors and glue at the moment so these were a good outlet for them!
1 - I got them to cut out cardboard baubles, they made a good effort of this, but these baubles aren't strictly circles!!
2 - Next glue the foil and stick the cardboard down
3 - Then glue the foil onto the other side of the cardboard
4 - Then wrap the remaining foil around the bauble and cut the circles to the middle.

Then I slotted the circles together to create baubles and sewed on some thread to hang them by.  Here's the results:

I hope you've enjoyed our super simple decorations!  Have you made any of your own?  Then why not link up?  And don't forget to check out my co-hosts:


  1. I really like the sparkly pinecones! Great idea.

  2. So fun!! I love them! Our crafts are never picture perfect, but they are always authentic and to me that is what is important. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

    1. Thanks Carrie, these will be going on my tree so I thought why not share!

  3. We love pinecones. I love them with glitter!
