
Monday, 19 November 2012

Simple Outdoor Play (No Toys Needed)

We love to play outside, often I organise and outdoor activity to coax the boys outside, but sometimes simple play is best!  Here are a few simple ideas of things to do outside...
1 - Find some stepping stones
2 - Climb a steep hill

3 - Jump in puddles

4 - Jump down

5 - Slide down hills

6 - Bury someone in leaves

7 - Roll down hills

Sometimes simple is best! 

I hope you've enjoyed Making Boys Men today, don't forget to check us out on Facebook and Pinterest.


  1. All those activities look familiar to me-boys can have anywhere! It looks beautiful where you live.

  2. Oh what fun. That is an excellent puddle you found there too.

    1. Thanks, I think if there are any puddles about my boys will find it!

  3. That looks like a perfect afternoon of family fun outdoors. Where are you it looks like a great old ruin at the top of that hill? Thank you for sharing such wonderful simple fun with me on Country Kids.

  4. Hannah! Great pictures! Great fun! Thanks for sharing at Eco-Kids Tuesday!

  5. Love it, Hannah & I am sorry I forget to tell you I was featuring you in this weeks party - time slipped away on me this week. I think it's brilliant you are allowing your boys to do all the things I did as a child but most little ones now never get the opportunity to do. Thanks again for your support of the linky - Kierna

    1. Thanks Kierna, that's a lovely comment to receive! Although most the credit for the adventurous stuff goes to their Dad who is still very up for rolling down hills himself, plus the funky new trousers the WHOLE family are now sporting are thanks to your posts on having decent outdoor gear! Hopefully lots more outdoor play to come! Hannah

  6. I've always believed that kids will entertain themselves when they find themselves in the middle of nature. There is just so much they can come up with to do when given access to leaves, rocks, sticks, and such. Thanks for the great reminder!

    1. Hi Katie, I think you're right! Woods and hills seem to help my kids imagination and ability to run and play no end, I've never heard 'I'm bored' when we are playing outside in nature!

  7. I agree completely!! No need for toys in the beautiful outdoors. The world is their adventure.

    1. Thanks Rebekah! And I always think woods are especially adventurous, at least for my kids. There's no end of play possibilities.

  8. I LOVE this! As an educator, I can honestly say that these are great ideas! They teach kids that there are so many creative ways to play without expensive toys! I'm sharing this on Pinterest! I'm featuring it this week too!

    1. Thanks Becki! I don't have any education background so am never fully confident that all our play is the best ways to do things, but I figure you really can't go wrong with kids running round outside and developing their sense of adventure! Thanks for featuring us

  9. My brothers and I loved rolling down the hill next to our home when we were kids! Such great fun :-) And I love that you have a mess rating! Thanks for sharing on Happy Family Times!

  10. We love, love, love playing outside! Only difference? You have a cool castle on the hill! Thanks again for sharing at Eco-Kids Tuesday. I featured your post today.

  11. So much fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  12. Outdoor play is the best, isn't it? Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by my little blog! :) Love the activities you guys got up to here, makes me want to go jump in some puddles of my own! :)

  14. why not say these are for girls too?

    1. These play ideas, and all the others on Making Boys Men, are absolutely for girls too! The blog is called Making Boys Men as I have three boys and am helping make them into men through the fun stuff we do, but its by no means gender exclusive. Hope that makes sense! Hannah
