Monday 8 July 2013

Stick Writing

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Stick writing, perfect for learning in the sun and no prep needed from Making Boys Men

We love getting outdoors, but the British weather doesn't always make that the easiest so when we get a bit of sunshine we spend as much time outdoors as possible.  But, the boys never like to just chill in the sun they always like to be busy (sigh, from their weary mother!).

So, on a recent trip to a nearby stately home when the grown ups wanted to sit in the sun Hubby kept Champ busy with some stick writing.

Stick writing, perfect for learning in the sun and no prep needed from Making Boys Men

Not too much to write about this really, they wrote names with sticks!  I don't think we'll be winning any prizes for creativity or originality, but hey sometimes simple is best!

Stick writing, perfect for learning in the sun and no prep needed from Making Boys Men

Champ is pretty good at recognising his own name and the letters that make it up so he got stuck in pretty quick.  It also gave him the opportunity to identify a few more letters as he had a go at writing his brothers names.

Stick writing, perfect for learning in the sun and no prep needed from Making Boys Men

I'm sure this is great for early literacy, letter recognition etc, but I'm not an educator so I won't even attempt to sound vaguely knowledgeable about that stuff.  I was just pleased that Champ was engaged and I got to sit down for two minutes, at least until Little Dude (a.k.a I'm too independent to hold hands or go in my buggy) decided to head towards the canal.......

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  1. OH MY GOSH. I love this idea! I've got one boy who picks up sticks wherever we go (and needs to work on letter recognition) and another that would love the challenge of spelling words out of sticks. Thank you SO much for sharing this. I'm pinning it! I'd love it if you'd share this at the After School Linky Party on my blog right now (and every Monday): Thanks!

  2. What a great way to play (and learn) with sticks! My son likes doing this with other long, straight objects...though he likes making train tracks with them even more. Anyway, we'll have to try stick letters!

  3. Simple is best! I haven't tried this yet but it's so easy to do it will be next on my list.

  4. How funny. I was sitting at a park as my daughter was having a group violin lesson just a few days ago. I was trying to keep my 4 year old entertained but without going too far away...and this is what came to mind. I was planning to blog about it (but didn' least not yet...) and then I saw this on the link up at No Time for Flashcards. Great idea... and yes, this is definitely educational.


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