Friday 19 July 2013

Marbles and Mud (& Outdoor Play Party)

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Kids getting their hands dirty digging for treasure with marbles and mud from Making Boys Men

Hooray for another Outdoor Play Party!  You'll be pleased to hear that the British weather is now hot, hot, hot so the outdoor play is pretty much constant, plus the school holidays start tomorrow - more cheers at least from the boys!!  If you've been playing outdoors don't forget to link up below.  

We've been digging for treasure in the dirt, this activity definitely required a bath afterwards so maybe it should be a three splatter, at least we didn't add water this time!  Read on to find out what we got up to...

Kids getting their hands dirty digging for treasure with marbles and mud from Making Boys Men

Meany Mum that I am the boys paddling pool is tiny, partly because the large one we had before got so little use, and partly because I don't want to spend my entire life blowing it up with three impatient little scamps asking if it's ready yet and then another lifetime filling it with water!

However, with the awesome weather we've been having it seems a larger paddling pool is definitely on the horizon so on a day that I didn't want the boys to get soaked AGAIN!  We put it to good use as a sort of mud pit!

Kids getting their hands dirty digging for treasure with marbles and mud from Making Boys Men

I gave the boys a large pot of compost as well as spades, trowels, dinosaurs and garden pots.  They soon set about creating a dinosaur world.

Kids getting their hands dirty digging for treasure with marbles and mud from Making Boys Men

Then there was a lot of filling pots and transferring mud around.  This is where putting the mud in the pool was great as it kept all the soil contained (that is until the next day when Champ tipped it all over the garden, but that's another story!)

Kids getting their hands dirty digging for treasure with marbles and mud from Making Boys Men

But, the real fun came when the boys started to chat about buried treasure.  Thinking cap on I came back with a bag of marbles which I told them were jewels and the play went on and on and on.  Burying them, digging them up, rolling them around, burying them again etc etc.  Who knew mud and marbles could make such a good combo?

The only downside was that there are now marbles scattered across the lawn from the play over the next few days, Hubby is very concerned for his feet and the lawn mower - whoops!

And so to the Outdoor Play Party.  What have you been up to this week?  I had lots of favourite posts from last time and had to narrow it down to two.

The first is from Fireflies and Mudpies with the three games to play with water blasters, chosen simply because I know the boys would love everyone of these simple water activities.

The second is from ABC Does with their Make a Mud Kitchen post.  This has to be the most awesome mud kitchen I've seen yet and the picture below doesn't do the whole post justice as there are simply heaps of ideas as to how to expand your mud kitchen.  Check it out...

Please link up your outdoor play ideas below.  Doing so gives myself and my co-hosts permission to share via social media using one photo and an appropriate link back.


  1. I don't know how you have all coped with school in this heat! Love the mud pool!

  2. What a great idea to keep them entertained by using their own creative imaginations, thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  3. A very different use of the paddling pool...sounds like awesome fun! My wee man would love to get his hands dirty digging for treasure!

  4. Marbles and mud sounds like what I'd like to do myself! Hee.. thanks for the idea.


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