

Hi, I'm Hannah a thirty-something stay at home British Mum to three lovely, but very lively boys. I love doing fun activities with the boys (especially when it involves housework avoidance!) and spending time with my wonderful hubby of nearly eleven years. Sounds idyllic, until I worked out how many nappies I've changed in the past four years!

About us
To preserve their anonymity I will refer to my family as 'Hubby' (yep, you've guessed it he's my husband), 'Bud' our eldest who's four, 'Champ' who is nearly three and 'Dude' who's just turned one. All equally gorgeous to me!

About my blog
Ok so there are heaps of BRILLIANT blogs out there with activities for kids and in particular pre-schoolers so why another? Firstly, as a creative outlet for me on the days when talking about dinosaurs just gets too much! Secondly, we've been fortunate enough to travel a bit so the world wide web is the perfect place for sharing our lives with our global friends and family. And, thirdly we are in to certain types of play! Maybe it's a boy thing, maybe it's just my boys, but we have a lot of energy that needs channeling around here! The boys love to bash things (and each other), they love to build things, they love to craft things but it's all about engaging them in a certain way..... Playdough? 'Er no thanks'. Make it black, add some glitter, call it 'space dough' and let the toy aliens play on it and now we're talking!
Most of all hang around and feel free to contact me at
Hope you enjoy!



  1. Have visited your blog lots of times but somehow missed you were in the UK. Love your biography, makes me realise I need to update mine!

  2. Love your blog! I have a 2 yr old son and I keep searching for ideas to keep him engaged. You have loads to ideas here! :) will keep checking!

    Btw love your blog title!

  3. Hi Hannah!

    I'm Jamie from hands on : as we grow and am starting a community on a new blog (Blogging With Kids) -- I'd love for you to join us! We're just a bunch of kid bloggers that want to socialize and help each other with our blogs (how to's and promoting each other too!)

    You can learn more about the community here:

    Hope to see you there soon and get to know you a little better!


  4. Hannah, are you on Facebook at all? There is a group of us in a blogging group all EU based, if you were at all interested we'd love to have you in the group too. Kierna
    (you can contact me here

  5. Hi there! I found your blog via a Pinterest post (bashing cotton balls). I'm also a mama of three boys-- 4, 2, and 2 mo--what a special club to be a part of! Love your content and your approaching to mothering :o)

    1. Youre right I love being a Mum with boys! It's very busy, but very fun!

  6. So great to find you (via a post share by Kierna from Learning For Life). While I'm all for advocating for more men working with young children, I love how you, as a mum, are demonstrating that the gender of the adult is superfluous. It's all about attitude. Yes, there are children who need some male or female influence in their lives, but you a a mother can teach your boys so much about becoming men.

    Loving what you're doing. Keep up the great work.
    Greg :)

  7. I'm glad I stumbled across your site. After 3 neices and tons of pink sparkly crafts a little boy of my own is a big learning curve. It's all about the trucks in our house. We paint them, college them, junk model them you name it. So it will be nice I get some new ideas. Thank you. Are you on twitter?

  8. Hi, thanks for your comment on my gardening post! Just wanted to say that I'm pretty interested in your blog already as I also have a 4 year old, a 3 year old, and my youngest is turning one in a couple weeks. It can be tough having kids so close together, but totally worth it. I wouldn't change a thing :) Can't wait to really check out your blog!
