
Friday, 13 September 2013

Blackberry Splat Painting (& Outdoor Play Party)

Welcome back!  It's another exciting Outdoor Play Party, if you've been outside with kids then please do link up your activity ideas below.  This week we've been taking advantage of the last few wild blackberries around and have done some berry splat painting!
The idea for this came from the children's version of a wildlife magazine someone gave us, but after a quick flick through milk got spilt on it and it got binned before I remembered to look at the name - sorry!  But, as we have berries on our route home from school we took the opportunity to pick a few of the remaining wild blackberries before the birds finished them off!

We then placed a berry on paper, folded the paper over and well splatted it!

Bud used a hammer whilst Champ and Dude used stones, both equally effective for bashing berries.  I did have to dissuade Dude(nearly 2) from using his hands too much which he more or less listened to!

Then there was a bit of teamwork from Bud and Dude as they decided to bash their pictures together, or rather Bud did and Dude didn't object!

And their pictures looked like this and ...

...this!  I'll be honest they went straight in the bin, but it was fun while it lasted and the berries were free and a bit past eating.  If we'd of had more I reckon this could be awesome sensory play, only problem is it might stain the kids into looking like little berries!

Looking for more outdoor play ideas?  Then look no further than the Outdoor Play Party.  One of my favourites from last time was Buggy and Buddy's symmetry in nature post.  Heaps of learning in one fun outdoor walk, worth checking out!

And so to the Outdoor Play Party, please link up your outdoor play posts below.  Doing so gives us permission to share one picture with appropriate link on the hosts blogs or share via social media.


  1. That blackberry painting idea is so clever! I know both my son and daughter would enjoy creating while burning some energy with the "splat" part of this. We will be trying it with some leftover fruit in our home. Thanks for the interesting idea and for hosting this link-up.

  2. Oh excellent! I picked a load at my sister's house the other day, but none of us particularly like blackberries. Picking is necessary in Autumn, eating not so much, splatting definitely!

    Nipping over from the Outdoor Play Party.

  3. I can see how the children would love doing this activity and as long as they are wearing protective or old clothing - why not! Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

  4. What fun!

    LOL, at they went straight into the bin. Do you have to sneak to do this? My kids make it hard for me to part with artwork.

    Do you have a lot of blackberries near you. We grow them but don't get a huge crop so we save our precious few for eating. =)

  5. What a fun activity!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
