
Friday, 2 August 2013

Marble Chutes (& Outdoor Play Party)

Super simple play with marbles from Making Boys Men

Welcome to another Outdoor Play Party!  I hope you've had the opportunity to play outdoors this week, if you have then I'd love to see you link up below.  Looking for more outdoor ideas?  Then you've come to the right place, check out all our ideas here.

Last Outdoor Play Party the boys played with marbles and mud this time we made some super simple marble chutes.  Here's how we got on...

Super simple play with marbles from Making Boys Men

This was unbelievably simple.  I took a few plastic bottles out of the recycling and chopped off the ends with a knife and gave Bud a box of marbles, and well, that's it!

Super simple play with marbles from Making Boys Men

Bud played for ages like this setting himself different challenges, shooting them from different distances and heights.

Super simple play with marbles from Making Boys Men

Then I had to be involved so he could check out his shooting skills from further away.  Champ wasn't interested at all, he was far too busy working on his chalk art work, but I'll come back to him in a minute.

Super simple play with marbles from Making Boys Men

Little Dude on the other hand definitely wanted in on the action and stealthily collected up any marbles that went shooting down the path.

Super simple play with marbles from Making Boys Men

And, while I was busy with marble chutes, someone else was busy chalking more than just the pavement - off for yet another bath!

And so to the Outdoor Play Party.  My fave from last time was from Mummy Musings and Mayhem with their Imagination Circle which is part of their ongoing series of posts on creating their outdoor playscapes.


  1. Brilliant idea, thanks for sharing :-)

  2. I love the chalk face - that made me laugh ;). Marble chutes, what a simple idea for a lot of fun, thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Isn't it great when the simplest things amuse them? I'm going to try the bottle marble chute (my 4-year-old already loves everything to do with marbles!)
