
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Poppy Craft for Rememberance Day

November 11th is Remembrance Day in the UK, whilst this is an important day for us to remember those who died fighting for our freedom it's not a day that the boys particularly know or understand yet so I decided to do a simple craft with Champ to provide an opportunity to chat about it.
I talked to him about us needing to remember brave soldiers that fought for us and that when we see Poppies we can remember those soldiers.
To make our (very simple) poppies we used a muffin paper case and talked about how poppies have a black middle and red petals.  Then we used crayons to colour the muffin paper case.
Here's Champ showing off his handiwork.

Next up, we threaded a green pipe cleaner through the paper then back on itself and twisted the end together to create a stalk.

I tried to take a photo of the finished poppies, but someone wanted in on the action.  We did keep this activity quite light hearted despite the subject matter, but I felt that was appropriate for Champ's age of not yet 3.

And here are our very simple conversation starting poppies.

How do you commemorate Remembrance Day?  Looking for more Remembrance Day crafts then check out the linky at Domestic Goddesque.


  1. I love cupcake case crafts. Thank you so much for linking up.

  2. That's lovely. Made something similar myself today.

  3. Newest follower here! I found you through the Saturday blog hop :)

    P.S. I’m doing a $50 Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog. You should check it out here:

  4. Very simple, but very cute! Thanks for sharing this on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes this week! We love having you join us! Have a great week!
    Mackenzie :)

  5. What a great way to introduce Remembrance Day to young children!

  6. Making a craft is a wonderful way to talk to children about remembering others. Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase! :)

  7. Sweet and simple rememberance craft. Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday.

  8. What a great craft!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
