
Monday, 12 November 2012

Autumn Masks

Recently we had a great trip to the forest with cousins and friends.  We built dens, fought with sticks, jumped in puddles and ran around A LOT.  But, for a bit of downtime we did a craft before our picnic lunch - Autumn masks!
First, I handed out some paper plates that I'd already cut out the middles of.  Then everyone got a lollipop (popsicle) stick which we taped to the plates.

Next up, glue sticks.  Each child glued the edges of the paper plates so they were nice and sticky.

Then, we sent the kids into the woods to find leaves, twigs, pine needles etc to stick on their masks.
This is Champ's leaf mask....

.... Bud's pine disguise....

... and another leaf creation from Cousin J.
The kids (all 10 of them!) really enjoyed them especially as they got to forage and craft all at the same time!
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  1. Oh these are gorgeous Hannah & oh so simple - mmmmm now I know what to do with that stack of paper plates I have! Thanks for joining in the outdoor play link up, Kierna

    1. Thanks so much Kierna! Really enjoyed doing this craft outdoors and having read some of your posts about how you manage to get outdoors at school we've now invested in some proper winter trousers for the boys so hoping to keep getting outdoors all winter! Thanks for hosting

    2. Oh that's brillaint Hannah - it really does make a difference if they & you know they can as wet/dirty as possible without any worry. Have fun!

  2. Such a great simple idea. We are awash with leaves on the farm at the moment this is a lovely idea for a craft idea with them. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  3. This is adorable! Thank you for sharing on Eco Kids! Champ looks so very cute peeking through the mask with his little leaves on it. I just love it!

  4. I love paper plate crafts. This is great!

  5. This is so cute. I featured this post on my blog for the Eco-Kids Link-Up!

  6. Oh,so cute!! Thank you so much for sharing at Sharing Saturday!
