
Friday, 12 October 2012

More thing to do with acorns and kids

Things to do with acorns and kids

On Wednesday I wrote about five things you can do with acorns and kids (check it out here), but the fun doesn't end there, oh no!  If you've got any acorns left why not try out one of these activities.....
6 - Tic Tac Toe / Noughts & Crosses
Using the coloured acorns we created earlier in the week (here) we played a couple of games of tic tac toe, unfortunately Bud now beats me - sigh!

7 - Acorn container painting
This method of painting with acorns comes from the inspirational Teach Preschool.  First, you squirt a little paint onto paper.  Second, you roll the paper up and pop it in the container so the paint faces into the centre.  Third, you pop in a few acorns.  Fourth, you give the container a good old shake!

I do have a little warning with this activity.... make sure the lid is on properly!  Our lid popped off twice and paint covered acorns flew round the room - opps!  This is why I've given it a two splat rating!!

The results, beautifully marbled acrons!  If you shake too much though everything just goes brown!

And of course, lovely splatted paint pictures.

8 - Acorn paint rolling
Following the container painting the boys were up for a bit more painting so we dipped them in paint and rolled them around the paper.  A bit messy and if you wanted to keep things a bit more contained you could do this on a baking tray or box like we did for our marble painting.

9 - Acorn shaker
Again Teach Preschool provided the idea for this acorn shaker.  This is just a few acorns in an empty plastic bottle.

It certainly kept Little Dude very happy!

Thanks for stopping by!  If you liked this, you might also like 'Things to do with chestnuts and kids' here and here.  Plus, don't forget to like us on facebook!


  1. Such FUN ideas!!! Love the acorn painting. Thanks for sharing at The Sunday Showcase this week!

    1. Thanks! The acorn painting was my fave too. Thanks for hosting the Sunday Showcase!

  2. Hey, it's me again. I love this activity and would love it if you would add it to me Mom's Library Link-Up.


    1. Thanks for stopping by again, I'm all linked up with Moms library!

  3. I know the acorn shaker would be a big hit in our home!

    We'd love for you to link up to our Finished Friday Linky.

  4. How fun. You always have some great ideas for learing. Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday every week.

  5. this is going to sound odd but your acorns look different. They are pointy at the end. Mine are always rounded. Any idea what thats about?

    1. Ok now my oak tree knowledge has just been massively expanded thanks to the wonderful web, Wikipedia and google! Apparently there are about 600 different types of oak tree (seriously who knew!) and the acorns can be different in colour shape, size and texture of cap etc. what type of oak we've got and what type you've got I've no idea, but I'm guessing they're different! And there I was thinking an oak tree was an oak tree, I've learnt my something new for the day! My son just asked me if worms lay eggs or have babies, next mystery for google to solve!

  6. Loved it so much I am featuring it on my Mom's Library Link-Up. Come check it out and grab a featured button. It will go live tomorrow on

    Thanks for linking up,

  7. Great ideas for things to do with acorns! Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library.

  8. What great ideas!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! Sorry for the late comment/visit!

  9. I featured you on my blog today.Lovely ideas.
