
Friday, 19 October 2012

Alphabet bowling

alphabet bowling

With Bud now at school we have ventured into the world of slightly more learning orientated play!  Bud is learning his phonics and is doing great, but gets a few muddled up sometimes (d,b,p etc) so we've been doing a few alphabet games.
We had a load of squash bottles in the recycling so I taped letters to each, one on the front and one on the back.  Here they are lined up on the table.
Then I gave Bud a ball and asked him to roll the ball at each letter - 'find me an m?' etc

Once he'd got those letters sussed we turned the bottles round and worked on the ones on the other side.

We enjoyed this and have kept the bottles so we can do it again another day.
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  1. The alphabet bowling is such a neat idea. My kids love games like these - I might try the same thing but with sight words instead of letters.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, mixing it up for sight words is a great idea, I'll have to remember that once we move on to sight words.

  3. Brilliant idea, my little ones would love this. First time here I love the mess ratinb although I think my lot would take that as a challenge ;)coming via tip toe through tuesday

  4. Looks like he had a great time with a simple to make but very useful learning activity. Thanks for the post.

    Come visit and see what's happening at and visit my Etsy store: fromme4you


  5. What a clever, FUN idea!! I shared this on my Facebook page here:

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF. See you tomorrow =)

  6. What a great idea to reenforce what he is learning. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  7. What a cute and fun idea! My daughter would love that! I can't wait to try it with her!

  8. Great idea, how fun! My little one would love this. Thanks for sharing with The Sunday Showcase.

  9. so fun! a great way to practice letter recognition! thanks for linking it up to tip-toe thru tuesday! pinning this.

  10. Great idea - J is starting phonics after half term in preschool and this is something that we have got to have a go at.

    Thank you so much for linking up to Tuesday Tots and just to let you know that I will be featuring it this week over on Rainy Day Mum

  11. Love this! I'll be featuring it with The Kids Co-Op tomorrow. :)

  12. Hey this so clever and affordable, fun learning and recycyling in a swipe, wonderful

  13. thank you for a simple, fun educational game to play, going to try it with my pre-school children
