
Friday, 7 September 2012

Liebster Blog

Recently I was very excited to receive an award for this blog!  Michelle from Learning to be a Mom, nominated me for the Liebster Award.  'Ooooh' you say, 'what's that?'. 

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers, by bloggers. It is a way to acknowledge each other and say, "You are doing a great job." It is for blogs with 200 or less followers, so it is also a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers!
When you receive the award you post eleven random facts about yourself, and answer eleven questions from the person who nominated you. You pass the award onto eleven other blogs, (make sure you let them know they were nominated.) and ask them eleven questions. You are not allowed to nominate the blog that nominated you.
These are the eleven questions set for me, I hope you find them interesting....
1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I'm guessing blogger was not on your list. :)  Sad, but true I wanted to be CEO of ICI.  It was the biggest company I knew as a kid and I wanted to be in charge (the bossy tendencies have not changed!)

2. How many Pinterest boards do you have and which is your favourite?  35 boards and over 1,100 pins, slightly addicted then!  My favourite boards are Play Ideas and Outdoor Play Ideas

3. What is the first site you visit when you turn on your computer in the morning?  The weather, yes I am British to the core!

4. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?  Half penny chews (I am that old!)

5. What is your favourite weekend activity?  A big lie in then some family fun and a meal out!

6. What is one thing your dream home must have?  A pink room for crafting, blogging etc.  with three boys I need somewhere to escape all the testosterone!

7. What is your favourite dessert?  Chocolate profiteroles made by my Mum

8. If you could travel in time would you rather go into the past or the future?  Hmm, future

9. What is the last movie that made you cry?  Hmm whatever the last film I watched was, since having kids I can even cry at adverts!

10. Are you a morning person?  No!  Will someone please tell my kids!

11. What is your guilty pleasure?  Chocolate, although I can eat a whole bar on my own and feel no guilt whatsoever!
The blogs that I think are brilliant and worthy of a nomination are....
11 - Curly bug
Why not check some of them out!

And the questions for those nominated...
1 - Are you an early bird or a night owl?
2 - All time favourite song?
3 - All time favourite movie?
4 - What's your earliest memory?
5 - What was your best holiday ever?
6 - What superhero would you be?
7 - If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would it be?
8 - In the movie of your life what actor would play you?
9 - Do you have any party tricks?
10 - Do you have a pet preference for dogs or cats?
11 - What three things would you take to a desert island?
I hope you've enjoyed a bit of a different post today.  Thanks again to Michelle and why not check out one of the blogs above, you never know what you might find!


  1. Thanks for the nomination! I'd nominate you right back if I could! ;)

    -Lauren (Learning through the Clutter)

    1. Thanks very much, but you are very welcome! I look forward to reading your answers in my blog reader!

  2. Thank you so much for nominating my little blog, it means a lot.

  3. You are most welcome, it's well deserved!

  4. Oops found it now! :( Lovely to read these answers though and learn a bit more about you! I think your pink crafting/blogging room sounds amazing. Put it on your santa list and cross your fingers! :)
