
Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Leaf rubbing and other outdoor fun

If you're a regular here you'll know that we try and spend some time outside every day whatever the weather.  As Autumn closes in I'm hoping we'll be able to keep this up - all rainy day outdoor activity ideas VERY welcome!  But, last week we still managed lots of outdoor fun!

Monday 10th September - I've recently seen a couple of splat painting ideas like the one at Joyfully Weary using picture frames and thought I'd like to give it a go.  Having no picture frames I thought I'd make my own splatter maker and stuck some rubber bands round a bit of toilet roll.

The idea is to paint the bands then pull them back so they splat the paper with paint.  This is the effect it creates, but....

... after a couple of splats the cardboard crushed!  So we decided to do some regular painting instead!

Tuesday - I thought we'd try a bit of leaf rubbing so I taped some leaves from the garden to a plastic tray and taped paper over the top.

Bud gave this a good go, but was done pretty quick and was more interested in pulling up the paper and getting the leaves out from underneath.

Champ did a little bit of crayon rubbing on this one, but I did most of it.  Quite pretty I thought, shame the boys weren't too interested, but I think we'll try it again another time and see if it works next time.

Wednesday - It rained a lot today so we stuck on our wellies and played with some water.  Champ just wanted this tin foil 'boat' and little man, but it kept him busy for quite awhile.

Thursday - Sometimes I think I have monkeys not boys and I think this photo proves it!

Not sure if I should be cross with him for climbing my washing line or impressed with his climbing skills!

I then went inside and told the boys to stop the climbing only to return 5 minutes later to find them sitting on top of their toy car pulling my pegs off the line!  Like I said - monkeys!

Friday - After school we went on a family walk through a nearby forest.  This is the same walk we did last week and it has lots of art all along the path including this giant frame that you can weave ferns in. 

And of course Champ spent most of the time dragging giant logs along behind him!

Saturday - A family outing to a local stately home and the boys and the cousins take on Hubby.
Then they triumphantly defeated Auntie E!

Sunday - I confess no outdoor play today, a bit exhausted we vegged out inside today!
I hope you've enjoyed our week outdoors.  Why not check out some of our other outdoor posts or our new facebook page!


  1. Love the leaf rubbings! Now that the seasons are changing it is a great time to do leaf projects. My class and I may need to go on a leaf hunt this week.

    1. Thanks! I'm hoping if we try it again the boys might spend a little longer on it, perhaps looking for the leaves first would help, might try the leaf hunt too!

  2. I loved leaf rubbing as a kid. I had completely forgotten about that activity. We're doing this for sure. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Leaf rubbing! I LOVE doing that....! My daughter and I are going to do that today! Thanks for the tip~!

  4. I really loved this when I was a kid, but totally forgot about this! Thanks for reminding me! Will do a leaf rub with my daughters this week. I guess they will love this, too! Liz

  5. How fun, I need to do more outdoor play with my 2 year old, she would love this

  6. We don't get out nearly enough here! I miss my kids that small and all of the adventures to be had! Looks like you had a lovely week!

  7. I used to love leaf rubbing. I havent' done it with my kiddos nearly as much as I should. Now that fall is here, it is on my list! Thanks so much for linking up to Tip-toe thru Tuesday. Have a great week.

  8. we are going to try leaf printing tomorrow - using paint rollers to cover the leaf with paint then press on to paper

  9. Ooh, I haven't done leaf rubbing since I was a kid myself! WIll have to give it a go!

  10. So much fun!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  11. How fun! I love these fun ideas... my boys would love them too! Thanks for sharing last week on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! You are a featured favorite this week! Hope you can join us again this week! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  12. A lovely week! The leaf rubbing turned out brilliantly. We haven't had many leaves fallen yet.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

    1. Thanks! Unfortunately all our leaves are wet and soggy now so I'm glad we got this in when we could! Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Love leaf rubbing. Such a wonderful "classic" craft. We so need to do this ASAP.

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  14. Thanks for sharing this idea with Tuesday Tots! I've featured your post this week on In Lieu of Preschool: Stop by and grab a featured button if you'd like. I'm off to pin your post now! :)

  15. I love leaf rubbing! I think every child deserves to experience this classic activity! (And I love your "mess factor" rating at the top of your post! That's great!)

    1. Your right it is a classic! Always fun to do activities with the boys that I remember doing as a kid! Thanks for stopping by
